Hotel is within 10 minutes of Fort Bragg and Pope Air Force Base and about 5 minutes from downtown Fayetteville . For meals, you can choose from one of the many restaurants located a block away from the property . To satisfy your shopping needs, the hotel is within 5 minutes of the Cross Creek Mall and Eutaw Village Shopping Center . Come stay at the hotel for an enjoyable and relaxing vacation, business trip or weekend getaway . The staff will greet you with a smile and warm welcome . Complimentary local calls and Wireless/high-speed Internet . Front desk hours are 7:00am to 11:00pm . Weekly housekeeping available . Limited hotel services .
- Free parking
- Wheelchair accessible
- Non Smoking Rooms Availability
- High-speed internet
- Free Local Telephone Calls
- Kitchen/Kitchenette
- Economy
- Extended Stay
Hotel Policies
| Check-in Policy | 1500 |
| Check-out Policy | 1200 |
General Information