As soon as we receive your inquiry via RealAdventures, we will email you our phone number and the address of our website, where you can access more information and download the following:
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Our Ceremony Guidelines
- A Blank Application Package
- Our General Waiver/Consent Form
- A donation* submission link should you care to join us.
If all else fails, it will be important to remember the following:
1. Absolutely no alcohol or Tylenol for at least 24 hours before consuming the Master Plant brew;
2. Dress to stay warm (think yoga pants, socks, long-sleeved sweater, shawl and/or jacket);
3. Eat a light lunch/brunch (fish, soup, veggies, grains, like that) no later than 3- 4 hours before arriving. You do not want to be hungry; at the same time, you also want to have a fairly empty stomach.