Transfer by private car (30 minutes) to Popradske Pleso . We follow a popular route to the summit of Rysy (2499m) one of the jewels of the Tatra and the highest peak in Poland. Its rocky summit gives spectacular views across the nearby peaks and ridges. The ascent takes around 4 hours and the return 3 hours. Popular story said that this summit was climbed by communist leader V.I. Lenin in 1912 and his foot-steps are still marked there! In the end of day we will by transferred by private car back to our hotel.
Accommodation: as previous day
Walking profile: 1350 m.a.s.l-2km-1494-1km-1600-1km-1919-1,5km-2291-o,5km-2337-0,5km-2499 and back
Hiking In The High Tatras (enlarge)