Rios Nice Hotel has a complete infrastructure for tourist service . A good choice among economic hotels, with room service, laundry, parking and computer with broadband internet located in the reception hall . It's location and structure meet your business or leisure trip .
Rios Nice Hotel is located in the downtown area , in the cultural hall, business and financial center of the "Cidade Maravilhosa" , near the Santa Teresa and Lapa neighborhood , "spot" of Rio nightlife . With easy access to the world's most famous beaches , all sights of the city , Santos Dumont Airport, International Airport with numerous alternative transport .
For your convenience , breakfast is offered in the restaurant . The hotel offers charming and welcoming accommodations at economical prices , and for your leisure , pool and rooftop sauna . IMPORTANT: Children under 18 years old are required to present identification at check-in and must be accompanied by both parents, guardians, or have permission of the Juvenile Court, in case of travelling with others . In case one of the parents is not traveling with them, they must show his/her parent permission to travel with the person accompanying them .
- Swimming pool
- Private dining for groups
- Meeting rooms
- All Suites
Hotel Policies
| Check-in Policy | 1200 |
| Check-out Policy | 1200 |
General Information