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Detail Itinerary
Arrival in Addis Ababa, afternoon drive to Geferssa Reservoir. Here, we expect to see some of the endemic birds like Wattle, Ibis, and Rouget’s Rail, Black-headed Sis-kin, Abyssinian Long Claw, the white collared pigeon and Blue-winged Goose. The African-black Duck, the Ortolan bunting, the Red-breasted Wheatear, the Three-banded plover; the African Marsh Harrier and the African Fish Eagle are some of the species that we can see this afternoon.
Over night in TDS Hotel. (4* Hotel)
Early start for Debre-Libanose monastery about 110 km north of the capital via Sululta Plain. The Red-rumpled and the Lesser-striped smallows, the pectoral-patched Cist cola, the Abyssinian Ground Hornbill, the common Buzzard and Black winged Lapwing are some of the birds that will be seen along the road. Around the monastery we expect to see some of the endemic birds like Black-headed Forest Oriole, Banded Barbet, the White-billed starling, Abyssinian Woodpecker, Rappel’s chat, White-backed Black Tit and Abyssinian slaty Flycatcher. The Lammergeyers, Egyptian Vulture, Lanner Falcon, Verreaux’s Eagle and the White-checked Turaco are seen at the escarpment. Late afternoon drive back to Addis.
Over night in TDS Hotel.
Leave Addis Ababa for Awash National Park. Stop at Chalalklaka wetland near Debre-Zeit. The White-backed Duck, the Tufted Duck, the Little Stint, the Ruff, African Spoon bill, the Yellow billed stork, the common and Crowned Cranes, the White-winged Black Tern and others are expected to be seen. Then short stop at Lake Hora for more birding. Lunch will be at Nazareth. After lunch proceeding to Awash, one of the best birding sites in Ethiopian Rift valley. Over night in Genet hotel.
Full day birding in the Park, The Arabian Bustard, Kori Bustard, White bellied Bustard, Buff crested Bustard, the Rosy-patched Shrike, Swallow tailed Kite, Bristle Crowned Starling, different woodpeckers, Grey-headed and Sulpher breasted Bush Shrike, Gabar Goshawk, Shirk, Crested Francolin, common Quail, Harlequin Quail, Palm Swift, Orange-bellied Parrot, Marital Eagle, different wood Doves, Yellow billed Hornbill, Crested Lark, Singing Bush Lark, Red wing Bush Lark, Somali Golden-breasted bunting, Little Rock Thrush, Grey-headed Batis and Spotted Flycatcher are some of the important birds that we can see.
Overnight in Awash. (Genet Hotel)
Drive to Langano, before lunch short stops at Koka Dam (Awash River Bridge) for more aquatic and woodland birds. Then, stop for lunch in Lake Ziway and afternoon birding. Lake Ziway is one of the important areas of the Ethiopian Lakes. The Black Heron, Lesser Jacana, African Pygmy Goose, Pink backed and White Pelicans, Crowned Crane, Black-headed Gull, Great-black headed Gull, Verreaux’s Eagle Owl, Green Shank, Wood Sandpiper, common and African Snipe, Red breasted Wryneck, Masked Weavers, Beautiful Sunbird and some others will seen.
Over night in Langano. (Wenny eco lodge)
Early birding around the Hotel garden and the cliff near the lake. The Schawlow’s Wheatear; the Red bill and Von de Deckins Horn bill, the Diedderik Cuckoo, the Slender-tailed Nightjar, the Woodland Kingfisher, the striped Kingfisher, the Little and Blue-breasted Bee-eater, the endemic Black winged Love bird, the Red-headed Weaver, the Fan tailed Raven, the Hemp Rich’s Hornbill, the Brubru, the Bearded Woodpecker, the Bare faced Go away bird and Marico sunbird are some of the species we expect to see. After breakfast we drive to t he Abijata-Shalla lakes national park for more birding. The Saddle bill stork, the Goliath Heron the Golden Plover, the Grassland Pipit, the lesser and Greater Flamingos, and hundreds of other water bids could be easily seen. In the late afternoon we drive to Wondo Genet for two nights staying. Over night in Wondo Genet (Wabi Shebelle hotel).
Full day birding in the forest of Wendo Genet, the site for some the endemic birds like the Yellow-fronted Parrot, Thick-billed Raven, the Abyssinian Wood Pecker and Banded Barbet. Besides, we expect to see the Red-shouldered and Black Cuckoo shrikes, Grey Cuckoo shrike, Narin’s Trogon, White-checked Turaco, Double Toothed Barbet, Scaly and Lesser Honey guide, Crowned Eagle, Arye’s Hawk Eagle, Silvery checked Horn bill, Hadada Ibis, Banded Wattle eye, Sharpes starling, Broad billed Roller, Black billed Barbet, Lemon Dove, mountain Buzzard and Half-collared Kingfisher. Over night in Wendo Genet.
Set off for Lake Awasa. The spotted creeper, the African pygmy kingfisher; the Bruce’s Green pigeon, the Violet-backed starling, the Grey Kestrel, the Giant Kingfisher, the Klaasa’s Cuckoo, the Tree pipit, the Allen’s Galenue, the Lesser Moorhen, the painted Snipe, the Lesser Swamp Warbler, the Grey kingfisher, the Banded snake Eagle, the African and common snipe, the purple and Goliath Heron, the Greater Honey Guide, the Grosbeak weaver, the Red-breasted Wryneck, the African Harrier Hawk and Greater spotted Eagle are some of the birds have been recorded in Awasa. Over night in Awasa. (Pina hotel)
Drive back to Addis Ababa. En-route looking for the species that haven’t been in the previous days of the trip, lunch in Ziway. To night you are invited for a fare well diner party with folkloric dance and tasting local foods. Over night in TDS htl.