Dostoevsky offers a deal to the guests! click on the \'Deals\' page to know more! Our hostel is the biggest and most historical one in the city. From its launching it hosted more than 1000 guests from around the world and keeps making it international and full of guests, which makes your stay memorable. Dostoevsky is special about personal approach to customers - you can get a free guide around the city by locals, who love their city.
We offer accommodation in fully renovated 4 and 8 bed dorms. The rooms are spacious and clean, furnished for comfortable living. Safe entrance with electronic keys, 2 WC& shower, living room, free wifi internet. Additional services: laptop, laundry, coffee, taxi, board games, excursions.
Picturesque view around on the river embankment, city park and local theatre. You can easily reach restaurant, canteen and different snack-bars. Pharmacy and shops of any kind are also close located.
The Dostoevsky Hostel is situated on the right bank of Ob' river near the 'Rechnoy vokzal' station - main traffic intersection in Novosibirsk city. It will take 5 minutes to reach all means of transport - bus, subway, electric train and water-bus.
By subway: Metro station 'Rechnoy vokzal', first wagon. Turn right as you come out of the metro station and walk towards the bridge ahead of you. Go under the bridge and then turn right up the steps on the far side of the bridge. Once you get to the top of the steps onto the road turn left, so that you are facing the large SAMSUNG sign. Cross the road towards the white building over the zebra crossing. Turn left on the other side of the road. Walk twenty yards and then turn right past the СФЕРА sign. The blue automatic gates into the yard are about 50 metres ahead on the right. We are building number 56. In the yard go to the door with 1-9 above it. Ring 8B for our hostel. Dial or message on +7 913 002 7189 to get inside or if you get lost.
From the airport: - take a municipal bus #112 or #122 to the 'Metro Rechnoy Vokzal' station (1 hour) From the train station: - go to the nearest subway station 'Ploshad' Garina-Mikhailovskogo', then take a metro train to 'Rechnoy Vokzal' (20 min)
Располагается хостел на правом берегу Оби недалеко от Речного вокзала - основной транспортной развязки в городе. Максимум 5 минут ходьбы до остановки любого транспорта - автобуса, метро, электрички, парохода. Мы ждем вас по улице Инская, 56-8 (крайний правый подъезд) во внутреннем дворе. Как нас найти: на метро 'Речной вокзал' выход в сторону улицы Большевистская. Пройти направо до моста, подняться по дальней лестнице моста. Сверху, по левую руку от вас будет полукруглый белый дом. Это и есть Инская, 56. Вход во двор со стороны улицы Восход (около вывески 'Меха', синяя калитка), либо с противоположной стороны дома, вглубь заезда между МДМ банком и Хонда центром (синие ворота). Набирайте 8 в домофоне.
От Автовокзала - 10 мин (две остановки автобуса) От Ж/Д вокзала - 20 мин (4 остановки метро) От центра - 15 мин (2 остановки метро)
На метро или электричке: остановка 'Речной вокзал' На автобусе: остановка 'Восход', 'Драмтеатр' или 'Метро Речной Вокзал' На трамвае: остановка 'Зыряновская'
Laundry, Airport Pick Up, Linen Included, Towels, Security Lockers, 24 hour reception, Travel Desk/Travel Info, Common Room, Lift / Elevator, Breakfast Not Included, 24 Hour Check In
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