The Samoan Outrigger Hotel has gained a reliable reputation for offering clean and affordable accommodation . A place where you can enjoy a relaxed atmosphere and have all the facilities needed by todays discerning traveler . The Samoan Outrigger Hotel offers a wide range of accommodation . At the Outrigger you will find single/double/triple rooms with ensuite and with shared facilities, depending on your choice . For the budget conscious travelers, the hotel also has traditional Samoan garden fales, overlooking the tropical garden and swimming pool . All fales are equipped with Samoan hand wowed mats, mosquito nets, mattress and linen . All fales have electricity installed .
Notice: Be aware that if you book a Fale for 1 person you might have to
share (dormitory style accommodation) with another person . Bookings made for
2 people are guaranteed to have the fale by themselves .
If you are looking for more up market rooms, the hotel can offer single/double rooms with ensuite and air-conditioning . All rooms have private outside patio area and telephone . The Samoan Outrigger Hotel is based in a 120 years old renovated colonial building . The hotel offers clean and affordable accommodation with a unique atmosphere .
- Car Rental Desk
- Swimming pool
- High-speed internet
- Kitchen/Kitchenette
General Information