In a center area of Bocagrande, Kim Apartments offers accommodations with amenities such as LCD cable TV and a swimming pool . Fre Wi-Fi and free parking are also available . Apartments at Kims have up to 2 bedrooms . They feature a fully equipped kitchen with microwave and refrigerator . A radio and a safe are included as well . Services offered include a laundry unit and a 24-hour front desk . Bocagrande is the main tourist area of Cartagena das ndias . Kim Apartments is located next to shops and restaurants . It is 220 yards from the beach and a 5-minute drive from the historic part of town . Bocagrande is the main tourist area of Cartagena das ndias . Kim Apartments is located next to shops and restaurants . It is 220 yards from the beach and a 5-minute drive from the historic part of town .
Hotel Policies
| Check-in Policy | 1500 |
| Check-out Policy | 1300 |
General Information