Flats Veronese are your home from home in the Heart of the eu . There are various flats and apartments for short or long stays,all furnished, comfortable and very cozy .
Flats are between 28sqm-45sqm . Apartments between 50sqm-60sqm and has one separate bedroom .
Except the 20sqm, all rooms have double bed .
All flats/appartments are within walking distance of Metro Schuman and many restaurants .
Nearby: Office of the Council of Europe, Royal Military Academy,Borschette meeting, NATO Headquarters, Central Bank of Congo, House Commerce & Industry, Department for International Research, Education and Social Action SIREAS, IBM, SONY Louise Center, Ministery of Region brussels capital, Amnesty International, Tour & Taxis, Institute Cervantes, Botanique,Museum Magritte,Royal museum of art and history, military museum, Royal Museum for Central Africa, Autoworld, Grimbergen Spas .
- Pets accepted
- Family Rooms
- Kitchen/Kitchenette
General Information