The Hotel Golden Ring was build in 2006 year . One of the main attractive features of the Hotel is the convenient arrangement on the picturesque bank of the River Volga in a historical cultural business centre of Kostroma City . You may have a rest at our Hotel by all rules of European Standard . Hotel Golden Ring offers you 32 comfortable rooms equipped with a bathroom- phone-SatelliteTV and other modern service equipment . You may choose any room to your taste - there are Standard- Lux-Apartments and the magnificent Vip Rooms . From all hotels windows open the fine panoramic view . The atmosphere of Home comfort and Traditional Kostroma Hospitality will allow our guests to feel at home . You will be pleasantly suprised of our attentive staff and reasonable prices .
- Free parking
- Restaurant
- Free breakfast
- Swimming pool
- Business center
- Private dining for groups
- Non Smoking Rooms Availability
- Free Local Telephone Calls
Hotel Policies
| Check-in Policy | 1200 |
| Check-out Policy | 1200 |
General Information