Our Seasons:
Low Season July1 - " July31" Grizzly Bear viewing is done primarily by boat in the estuary and lower river. We enjoy a high success rate finding Grizzly Bears although number of bears tends to be a bit lower as the berries are ripening in the forest and the salmon have not yet arrived. On a 4 night trip we explore another river area by truck and on foot. By the last week of July there are usually salmon arriving in this river and we are sometimes lucky to watch the bears attempting to catch the early salmon. Humpbacks are plentiful and the resident Orca usually show up in early July. Weather is usually good with cloudy mornings and breezy sunny afternoons.
Shoulder Season May 25 - " June30 " Grizzly Bear viewing is done by boat in the river estuary. The bears are feeding on sedge grass and on shellfish at low tide. The bear viewing is very reliable as the berries are not yet ripe so the bear's main food source is in the estuary. It is also mating season which means we see large males more often. Black bears are plentiful this time of year. Humpback whales are available, although the Orca generally have not arrived yet. Weather is usually good and the areas are rarely crowded.
Shoulder Season " Aug 1 - " Aug24 " Grizzly Bear viewing is done by boat in the estuary and lower river. We view the bears feeding on shellfish and sedge grass. Salmon are usually starting to arrive and we are often lucky to view the bears chasing fish in the lower river. On a 4 night trip we explore another river by truck and on foot. There are usually lots of salmon in this area at this time and we often are able to view bears feeding on them. Humpback and Orca viewing is usually excellent. Weather is good with foggy mornings and sunny afternoons being the norm.
High Season - Aug 25 - " Oct15 " Grizzly viewing is primarily done from viewing platforms. This is the time of year to view the grizzlies feeding heavily on the salmon. Our upriver platforms are located in prime pink salmon spawning areas and bear numbers are usually excellent. On the 4 night trip we explore another river area by truck and foot. Bears are usually spread out, busy feeding on the plentiful salmon. Humpback and Orca viewing is excellent, although the resident Orca generally leave the area by the end of September. Weather in September is great. By October things cool off and the weather becomes less reliable although this varies year to year.
We provide you with a "Cruiser Suit" and rubber boots on arrival - to keep you warm and dry.
Wine at dinner is included.