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From Montañita guests can commute to nearby towns & cities via the public bus (the Green ManglarAlto bus) from the main highway. A bus stop is located just off the main street (la calle principal) in the city center but buses will pick people up anywhere along the road. All you need to do is signal them by waving your hand as they approach. Bus fare ranges depending on your destination but a one-way trip will cost anywhere from $0.50 to $3.
Local taxis are also available the main highway or from the city center and are quicker than the bus. Taxis typically run between ManglarAlto to Olon for $1.50 but will take you anywhere you need to go. Again, depending on your final destination the fare price will vary. It is recommended to negotiate and confirm the final fare price before departure.
Esperanto is located 2 hours from Guayquil. The infrastructure is good, providing reliable roads from the city to the coast. You can get to Montañita via car, bus or private taxi.
**Specific arrival directions will be provided to guests upon confirmation of their reservations. We can also help recommend the best form of transportation for your trip to ensure you have a stress-free commute to Montañita.
Points of Interest |
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Beach-side Haven with Ocean Views in MontanitaMalecon Montanita, Montanita, Ecuador |