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Here are the directions to Panorama Freya. Please, take them with you. If these instructions are not clear, please contact us using the information below. Alternatively, we can arrange a transportation from the airport upon you request.When you arrive at Bourgas airport, you can take a taxi or rent a car. Head for Sveti Vlass village, which is situated after Sunny Beach (please, keep in mind that Sunny Beach is written as "Slanchev Brjag" or “Sl. Brjag†in short on all road signs). Pass by the village and continue along the road to Elenite Resort for another 2 or 3 kilometres. Then you will reach a red-white coloured complex with a barrier on the right side of the road.Once you arrive at the complex, you will be asked at the entrance for your admission card. Please, tell them your name and apartment number you will be staying in, as well as that you are Freya Resorts guest.
Please, sent us your arrival time in advance so we could meet you at the resort for accommodation.
Points of Interest |
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Your Perfect Family Vacation in BulgariaElenite Road, St. Vlass (Sunny Beach), Bulgaria |